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Buyer’s and Kalpamrit Distributors :

Refund will be processed if damage/loss is mentioned on transporter’s copy or products having manufacturing defect or not satis?ed with the quality of the product. Kalpamrit has all the rights to reject the plea to refund the amount of products returned, if the buyer is repeatedly returning the products. Remittence will be credited to the buyer’s account from where the payment was received or distributor’s wallet as preferred by buyer. After con?rmation of refund, payment gateway may take four to ?ve working days to credit the amount to the buyer’s bank.

KSP, Franchise, Depot & Super Depot :

In case the buyer feels that the products are not of good quality or if there is any manufacturing or packaging defect then the buyer can exchange/return the products and raise request for refund. The buyer must contact Kalpamrit Marketing Private Limited within 90 days from the receiving the products. KMPL will provide products having suf?cient shelf life. Buyer shall take initiative to sale products. Buyer shall intimate company at least 60 days before the date of expaire of product. Company will refund/exchange salable goods. Sellers may request for refund for unsold salable products. Kalpamrit has all the rights to reject the plea to refund the amount of products returned, if the buyer is repeatedly returning the products. Remittence will be credited to the buyer’s wallet after due con?rmation of receipt of the product. Remittence may be credited to buyer’s registered account if preferred by buyer. In transit damage (return) : While returning products it's the buyer’s responsibility to transit goods safely. Any in transit damage for returned products will not be entertained. Transportation charge(return) : Buyer will bear transportation charge while returning products.


Updated on : 13th Nov 2018.

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